@phdthesis{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008678, author = {Kwan, Paul Wing Hing}, month = {}, note = {Recent advances in digital and computing technologies have made possible the construction of hardware and software systems that are capable of processing various types of multimedia signals including sound, 2-D and 3-D graphics, images, video and animation. From standalone applications such as digital home photo album and personal music CD that a user can create and edit using software on a personal computer, to systems for digitized document archive and personal portals for employees on an intranet, and on to widely accessible applications found on the Internet such as web search and sports/news information delivery channel, the creation, storage and use of multimedia data in single, centralized and distributed databases have proliferated. In order to encourage both sharing of multimedia content and facilitating the construction of interoperable applications, efforts were put in by international standards-making organizations to develop common coding standards. These efforts had led to standards including AIFF and MP3 [MP3] for audio, JPEG (recently JPEG2000) [JPEG00] for images, and MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 [MPG4-01] for video. ・・・, 2002, Includes bibliographical references}, school = {筑波大学, University of Tsukuba}, title = {A content based similarity retrieval architecture for fluency multimedia database}, year = {2003} }