@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007493, author = {重川, 秀実 and SHIGEKAWA, Hidemi and Ishida, Masahiko and Miyake, Koji and Shioda, Ryu and Iijima, Yoshitoki and Imai, Takamitsu and Takahashi, Hideyuki and Sumaoka, Jun and Komiyama, Makoto}, issue = {3}, journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, month = {Jan}, pages = {460--462}, title = {Extended x-ray absorption fine structure study on the cerium(IV)-induced DNA hydrolysis: Implication to the roles of 4f orbitals in the catalysis}, volume = {74}, year = {1999}, yomi = {シゲカワ, ヒデミ} }