@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:00054321, author = {片山, 奈緒美 and KATAYAMA, Naomi}, journal = {国際日本研究, Journal of International and Advanced Japanese Studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {2006 年の総務省「地域における多文化共生推進プラン」では、地域における多文化共生の意義として〈国籍や民族などの異なる人々が、互いの文化的差異を認め合い、対等な関係を築こうとしながら、地域社会の構成員として共に生きていく〉地域づくりが挙げられた。こうした地域づくりを推進するには、東京都杉並区のネパール人、大阪市や神戸市のベトナム人など、多様な背景を持ち独自のコミュニティが形成される外国人住民集住地域それぞれの特徴を考慮することが重要だろう。多文化共生を進めるためのコミュニケーション方策「わかりあえる日本語」(片山 2018)は、外国人住民と日本人住民の〈接触場面の産出・増加〉と〈コミュニケーション手段の確立〉、〈互いに相手の存在を認め、コミュニケーションをとろうとする動機付け〉の 3 点が影響しあうことで相互理解が進むという考え方である。本稿はこの考え方に基づき、地域ごとに異なる特徴を持つ外国人集住地域における多文化共生に必要な要素を検討した。まず、埼玉県の JR 蕨駅付近(通称:ワラビスタン)に集住するトルコ系クルド人コミュニティで、日本語習得状況や日本語学習方法、日本語が必要だと感じる場面などについてアンケート調査を行った。その結果を「日本語に対する在住外国人の意識に関する実態調査」(文化庁 2001)と比較し、ワラビスタンにおけるトルコ系クルド人に必要な日本語支援(コミュニケーション手段の確立)や日本人コミュニティとの交流の意欲(動機付け)など、「わかりあえる日本語」構築のための要素を分析した。, In its 2006 multicultural co-existence promotion plan for communities, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications emphasized the significance of regional multicultural co-existence to create communities in which people of different nationalities and races could acknowledge their cultural differences, build equal relationships, and live together as members of regional society. To promote the creation of such communities, it is important to understand the characteristics of each community in which foreign residents live. In these communities, people of various cultural backgrounds create unique communities (such as the Nepali community in Suginami, Tokyo, and Vietnamese communities in Osaka and Kobe). Based on the communication method for multicultural coexistence that employs mutually understandable Japanese (Wakari aeru Nihongo) (Katayama, 2018) , the author considers that mutual understanding can be promoted by 1) creating and increasing opportunities for contact between foreign and Japanese residents; 2) establishing communication methods; and 3) motivating foreign and Japanese residents to make acquaintance with and communicate with each other. Based on this idea, in this paper, the author seeks to identify the necessary elements for cultural co-existence in communities for foreign residents with regional differences. First, the author conducted a questionnaire survey in a Turkish Kurd community near JR Warabi station in Saitama Prefecture, an area that is known as Warabistan. The respondents were asked about their Japanese language acquisition levels, learning methods, and situations where they consider learning the Japanese language is necessary. By comparing the results of the questionnaire with those of the survey conducted by the Agency for Cultural Affairs in 2001 on the awareness of foreign residents in Japan regarding the Japanese language, the author analyzed the necessary elements for the establishment of mutually understandable Japanese (Wakari aeru Nihongo) such as Japanese language support for Turkish Kurds in Warabistan (establishment of communication methods) and willingness to communicate with the Japanese community (motivation).}, pages = {184--197}, title = {<研究ノート>「わかりあえる日本語」の構築:クルド人コミュニティにおける日本語意識調査から}, volume = {12}, year = {2020} }