@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:00052496, author = {花里, 俊廣 and HANAZATO, Toshihiro and 渡, 和由 and WATARI, Kazuyoshi and 藤井, さやか and FUJII, Sayaka and NUKUI, Tatsuya and OHBI, Kazuhisa}, journal = {環境情報科学 学術研究論文集, Papers on environmental information science}, month = {Dec}, note = {本研究では対象地域の 67 区会を,社会・経済・土地利用等の統計データから,都市型区会および農村型区会に分類し,その運営・活動内容の規範となる規約と地域特性との関係を把握した。その結果,同一自治体でも異なる地域特性に応じて,区会の運営・活動内容等には大きな違いがあり,多様な役員構成,管理対象物を有する農村型区会に対して,都市型区会は広報・連絡など限定的な活動に留まる傾向がみられた。 Residents’ associations are long-established foundations of support for local communities in Japan. However, with rapid urbanization and the changes in socioeconomic circumstances, these traditional organizational forms have been forced to change. In this research, we focused on 67 residents’ associations in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture and classified them into rural and urban types according to their socioeconomic characteristics and land utilization. We then clarified the characteristics of the activities engaged in by these two types of association by comparing their residents’ association rules.}, pages = {233--238}, title = {地域特性と区会規約の関連性に関する考察}, volume = {32}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ハナザト, トシヒロ and ワタリ, カズヨシ and フジイ, サヤカ} }