@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:00049350, author = {斉藤, 毅 and SAITO, Tsuyoshi and 村越, 伸行 and MURAKOSHI, Nobuyuki and 杉山, 文博 and SUGIYAMA, Fumihiro and 長瀬, 博 and ラザルス, ミハエル and LAZARUS, Michael and Korkutata, Mustafa and Cherasse, Yoan and Ioka, Shuji and Duo, Feng and Qin, Rujie and Fujii, Shinya and Zhou, Xuzhao and Chen, Jiang-Fan and Kumagai, Hidetoshi and Nagase, Hiroshi}, journal = {Neuropharmacology}, month = {Jan}, pages = {122--132}, title = {Enhancing endogenous adenosine A2A receptor signaling induces slow-wave sleep without affecting body temperature and cardiovascular function}, volume = {144}, year = {2019}, yomi = {サイトウ, ツヨシ and ムラコシ, ノブユキ and スギヤマ, フミヒロ and ラザルス, ミハエル} }