@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:00048174, author = {Takane, Yuya and Kondo, Hiroaki and 日下, 博幸 and KUSAKA, Hiroyuki and Katagi, Jin and Nagafuchi, Osamu and Nakazawa, Koyomi and Kaneyasu, Naoki and Miyakami, Yoshihiro}, issue = {7}, journal = {Journal of applied meteorology and climatology}, month = {Jul}, pages = {2067--2079}, title = {Foehnlike Wind with a Traditional Foehn Effect plus Dry-Diabatic Heating from the Ground Surface Contributing to High Temperatures at the End of a Leeward Area}, volume = {56}, year = {2017}, yomi = {クサカ, ヒロユキ} }