@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:00046192, author = {井戸, 伸之 and IDO, Nobuyuki and 左藤, 敦子 and SATO, Atsuko}, journal = {筑波大学特別支援教育研究, THE JAPANESE JOURNAL OF SPECIAL NEEDS EDUCATION RESEARCH}, month = {Mar}, note = {質問紙調査を通して,通級指導教室(難聴・言語障害)と特別支援学校(聴覚障害)との連携の状況について検討を行った。その結果,特別支援学校(聴覚障害)と連携を行なっていない教室が41.6%,「必要に応じて連携・協力を行っている」が32.5%であり,積極的に連携をしているとはいえない状況であることが明らかとなった。連携の困難さの理由としては「連携・協力が必要な状況ではない」や「地理的距離が遠い」という回答が多かった。しかし,特別支援学校(聴覚障害)に求められる連携・協力としては,「発音・発語指導」「聞こえに配慮した環境づくり」「聴覚活用の指導」「障害理解・障害認識」があげられており,「聴覚障害教育に関する専門的知識や情報の入手」に対する特別支援学校(聴覚障害)への期待が明らかとなった。, We used a questionnaire to clarify the current status of cooperation between schools for hearing-impaired children and resource rooms for students with hearing impairments or speech disorders, and we studied the benefits that the resource rooms expected to receive from the schools. We found that cooperation was not necessarily actively implemented: 41.6% of the schools did not cooperate with the resource rooms and 32.5% cooperated and collaborated as needed. Cooperation was difficult because of no needs for cooperation and long distances between the schools and resource rooms. The resource rooms expected the schools to provide education regarding pronunciation and speech training and to create an environment friendly to hearing-impaired children, the understanding and recognition of impairments, and the use of hearing aids. Education regarding deaf culture, sign language, and careers was less likely to be expected. Therefore, to meet the needs of communities, we need to investigate the construction of a less burdensome cooperation system and ways of maintaining networks between schools and resource rooms.}, pages = {73--81}, title = {<研究論文>通級指導教室(難聴・言語障害)と特別支援学校(聴覚障害)における連携および協力の現状と課題}, volume = {12}, year = {2018}, yomi = {サトウ, アツコ} }