@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:00046186, author = {米田, 宏樹 and YONEDA, Hiroki}, journal = {筑波大学特別支援教育研究, THE JAPANESE JOURNAL OF SPECIAL NEEDS EDUCATION RESEARCH}, month = {Mar}, note = {本稿では,米国における最重度認知機能障害児の通常カリキュラムへのアクセスを保障する仕組みの一つである,代替達成スタンダード(DLM本質要素)と重度認知機能障害児向けカリキュラム(ULS)を事例に,重度認知機能障害児の学びと社会参加を保障するカリキュラムのあり方を考察した。DLMとULSでは,各州共通基礎スタンダード及びDLM本質要素によって,各学年で達成すべき学習内容が明示され,その基準に即して,ULSが具体的な教材単元を配列し,その単元内で,支援の必要度に応じた3つの学習レベルで,具体的な目標設定と指導が行われていた。なお,米国の各教科の達成スタンダードによる成績説明責任システム下においても,重度認知機能障害児の教育における生活指導の重要性には変わりがなかった。我が国の教育課程の改善においても,知的障害教育教科の特長である「生活とのつながり」を失わない工夫が必要であることが示唆された。, This study examines the curriculum development that enables the learning and social transition of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities in the United States. Dynamic Learning Maps Essential Elements (DLMEE) is one of the alternate assessments based on alternate achievement standards (AA-AAS) that measure the knowledge and skills of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. Unique Learning System (ULS) is a specifically designed standards-based curriculum that allows students to access the general curriculum. These components were surveyed for this study. The learning contents that should be achieved in each grade were identified by Common Core State Standards(CCSS) and DLMEE. ULS develops Unit Topics ? 3 Year Cycle and uses Instructional Targets to link academic content standards to Special Education materials and activities. Instructional Targets are aligned to CCSS and AA-AAS using, for example, DLMEE. ULS's differentiated materials provide a means of access to standards-based instruction for students with diverse needs. In ULS, each student's academic profile generates his or her instructional support level, which is measured as Level 1, 2, or 3. Additionally, under the U.S. educational accountability system based on achievement standards, the significance of living guidance in the education of students with significant cognitive disabilities was unchanged. Distinctive characteristics of "subjects of Japanese special school for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities" are connected with daily living and life skills. In the improvement of the Japanese curriculum, this study suggests that it is important that these characteristics be taken into consideration.}, pages = {9--22}, title = {<研究論文>米国における重度認知機能障害児の通常教育カリキュラムへのアクセスの実際 : 代替達成スタンダードとそれに基づく教材システム例の検討}, volume = {12}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ヨネダ, ヒロキ} }