@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:00045952, author = {國竹, 真由美 and KUNITAKE, Mayumi}, journal = {世界遺産学研究, JOURNAL OF WORLD HERITAGE STUDIES}, month = {Mar}, note = {日本の国際文化財保護支援は、各機関の独自支援が多いため、現在、『文化遺産国際協力コンソーシアム』が設立され、支援の全体像の把握及び各機関の連携構築に向けて動いている。このコンソーシアムの理念には、NGOの協力が必要とされているが、現在、上記支援を行うNGOは少なく、今後の課題である。そこで、(社)日本ユネスコ協会連盟の活動を通して、今後の国際文化財保護支援へのNGOの参入について考察する。, Japan has supported many Asian countries for preservation of their cultural properties, recognizing them as the countries which need serious assistance. However, the entire activities of supporting organizations could not be grasped due to their individual and separated activities. Thus, Agency of Cultural Affairs of Japan made "International Cooperation Consortium Plan for Cultural Properties" in order to organize mutual relationship of the organizations. The plan says that the close cooperation of NGOs, including private organizations, will be required in the future for the international cooperation of cultural properties. However, only a few NGOs are engaged in such programs at this moment, and more participation of NGOs would be necessary. In this article, the author discusses the possibilities of future engagement of NGOs for the international cooperation, taking National Federation of UNESCO Association in Japan (NFUAJ) as an example who is one of the major members of the consortium. Among the NFUAJ's activities for the preservation of World Cultural Heritage, "Bamiyan Center of Education and Culture" should be paid attention. The organization aims at not only the construction of the center but also the support for the future management including the seminar for the protection of the archaeological site. The seminar is to educate citizens to protect cultural properties and this kind of education will be increasingly important in the future. NFUAJ is going to take a policy to connect its educational support program and its preservation support program of cultural heritages, and the practice of dual support system will be possible. Many Japanese NGOs for international cooperation are engaged in educational support. NFUAJ’s educational activities for protection of cultural heritages might set a good example of NGOs' new programs in the future, and it would extend largely the possibilities of their activities.}, pages = {1--21}, title = {<原著論文>アジアに対する日本の文化財保護支援の現状と将来のNGO参入の可能性について : (社)日本ユネスコ協会連盟の活動を通して}, volume = {5}, year = {2018} }