@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:00042551, author = {BERQUE, Augustin}, journal = {Inter Faculty}, month = {Sep}, note = {Modern dualism, opposing the subject to the object, and therefore culture to nature, has made possible modern science and technology, and consequently modern civilization, but it has eventually produced an unsustainable world, which progressively destroys its own basement: the Earth. In order to survive, we have to overcome dualism, but is that rationally possible? Making use of the concepts of trajection and trajective chains, this paper shows that not only concrete reality is trajective (neither purely objective nor purely subjective), but that modern physics itself has come to this evidence. Accordingly, beyond the abstraction of dualism, we have to conceive of reality anew, including in the field of the natural sciences., 現代の二重性、つまり自然に対立する文明の存在は、高度な科学技術を人類にもたらしたが、現代文明は自らの基盤である地球を破壊し続け、もはや維持できなくなりつつある。人類の生存のためには現代の二重性の克服が不可欠となるが、それは合理的に可能なのであろうか。本稿では、軌跡とその連鎖の概念を用いることにより、純粋な客観的立場や主観的な立場はあり得ず、具体的な事実のみが軌跡となり、現代物理学自体がその証拠となることを明らかにする。したがって、我々は現代の二重性という抽象概念を超えて、自然科学の分野を包括する新たな現実認識を獲得しなければならない。}, pages = {21--35}, title = { Nature, Culture: Trajecting Beyond Modern Dualism}, volume = {7}, year = {2016} }