@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:00042316, author = {小長谷, 瑞木 and KONAGAYA, Mizuki and 林, 陽生 and HAYASHI, Yousay}, journal = {筑波大学陸域環境研究センター報告, Bulletin of the Terrestrial Environment Research Center,the University of Tsukuba}, month = {Nov}, note = {To clarify seasonal responses of air layer characterized by a Red Pine stand, meteorological observations were conducted from April to December, 2006. The Red Pine stand is composed of matured Red Pine with other shrubs, and is located to the south part of the Terrestrial Environment Research Center, University of Tsukuba. Discussions were focused mainly on the relationship between LAI (Leaf Area Index) and heat storage of the air in the stand. Hourly data were analyzed to obtain time and space distribution of the thermal fields. The LAI became the maximum stage in June or July and at a constant value in the summer season. In the morning, air temperature in the canopy layer rose quickly and reached the highest temperature within the stand. Simultaneously, upward and downward heat transportations appeared. Especially, the downward component was clearly shown through the trunk layer throughout a growing season of the year 2006, i.e. June to September. In spring and late autumn seasons, the canopy layer of the air performed as a remarkable heat sink and source compared with summer season, respectively. Regarding a principal regime related between vertical temperature distribution and heat transfer within a stand, the followings were discussed; (1) as heat capacity of the leaf and tree-trunk was larger than that of the air, the canopy layer required relatively large amount of energy for heating, (2) as solar radiation was shaded by the canopy layer, when LAI is larger, sensible heat flux from the ground surface was reduced. The thermal response of the Red Pine stand to the ambient air temperature changes was strongly influenced by the LAI. Consequently, the seasonal change of the thermal conditions of the Red Pine stand mentioned in this study was essentially caused by increase of LAI of the canopy.}, pages = {3--16}, title = {<報文>アカマツ林の熱的応答の季節変化}, volume = {8}, year = {2007} }