@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:00040256, author = {朱, 藝 and ZHU, Yi}, issue = {2}, journal = {経営哲学, Management philosophy}, month = {Aug}, note = {This paper attempts to challenge the theory claiming the existence of ethnocentric management at Japanese companies overseas from anthropological perspectives. Ethnocentrism in this research indicates Japanese-centered management, including a gap of income and allowances and the number of expatriates. Participant observation at a Japanese fashion retailer in Hong Kong, here called Ichi, shows that there is rational reasoning behind the company's practices, many of which were not ethnocentric but resulted from an incomplete and overtly standardized system. Ichi aimed to use Japan-standard salary and allowances to attract Japanese employees who were reluctant to go overseas, which created the income gap. This gap had limited influence compared to the glass-ceiling phenomenon of promotion as portrayed by the local employees. This research identified three major causes: the limited promotion space caused by the market maturity and limited turnover rate of the top management; design of a promotion system that does not fit the local situation; and institutional control that suppressed opinions from locals. Evidence from this study demonstrates that the general assumption that Japanese companies are ethnocentric in nature must be reexamined, as some business decisions are rational and others are associated with problems of institutional design and control. This research implies that it is necessary to take a holistic approach to Japanese management without underestimating the specific context of the company's system, the local market, and the employees.}, pages = {60--73}, title = { Reexamination of Japanese Companies Overseas: Anthropological Critiques of Ethnocentric Management}, volume = {13}, year = {2016} }