@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:00040178, author = {Akiyama, Toshihiro and Inoko, Akihito and 加治, 優一 and KAJI, Yuichi and Yonemura, Shigenobu and Kakiguchi, Kisa and Segawa, Hiroki and Ishitsuka, Kei and 吉田, 昌樹 and YOSHIDA, Masaki and 沼田, 治 and NUMATA, Osamu and Leproux, Philippe and Couderc, Vincent and 大鹿, 哲郎 and OSHIKA, Tetsuro and 加納, 英明 and KANOU, Hideaki}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, month = {Jan}, title = {SHG-specificity of cellular Rootletin filaments enables naive imaging with universal conservation}, volume = {7}, year = {2017}, yomi = {カジ, ユウイチ and ヨシダ, マサキ and ヌマタ, オサム and オオシカ, テツロウ and カノウ, ヒデアキ} }