@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:00038600, author = {植村, 円香 and UEMURA, Madoka}, issue = {2}, journal = {地理空間, Geographical space}, month = {}, note = {本論は,「増田レポート」によって「消滅可能性自治体」のひとつとされた東京都利島村を事例に,高齢者の農業とその意義を明らかにすることを目的とする。利島は,東京都心の南方約130kmに位置する人口300人の離島である。主要農作物は,生産量日本一のツバキ油で,そのほかアシタバ・シドケなどの葉物がわずかながら栽培されている。利島村の農家に聞き取り調査を実施したところ,農家は主に60~80歳代の高齢夫婦であった。高齢夫婦は,ツバキ油の原料となるツバキ実を拾うことと,葉物を生産することで年間100万円程度の所得を得ていた。こうした年間100万円程度の「小さな農業」は,青壮年層ではなく,年金を生計の基盤としている高齢者だからこそ可能である。つまり,高齢者による「小さな農業」が,利島村の地域農業を支えている。, Released in 2014, the ‘Masuda Report’ indicated that some agricultural villages in Japan might disappear and that it may be necessary for the elderly of these municipalities to relocate to regional urban centres. However, some of these elderly play important roles in their villages, as farmers or agricultural conservation workers. When considering the future conditions of Japan’s agricultural villages, it is important to focus on the various activities performed by these elderly. Therefore, this study aims to clarify the agricultural activities performed by elderly based on the case study of Toshima, an island municipality in Tokyo Metropolis, which was identified as a ‘municipality at a risk of vanishing’ in the Masuda Report. In addition, the study considers the significance of the elderly s’ involvement in agriculture. Toshima is a remote island with a population of approximately 300 that lies 130 km south of the centre of Tokyo. Its principal industry is camellia oil, of which it is Japan’s largest producer. In addition, the island has a small leafy vegetable industry. Farmers from 32 of the 41 farms on Toshima were interviewed. The results reveal that the majority of farmers are senior married couples in their 60s and 80s. The wives have worked as farmers since their early days of marriage, while the husbands had joined the industry after retiring from non-agricultural work on the island. These senior farming households earned approximately one million yen per year by gathering camellia seeds, used in the production of camellia oil, and cultivating green vegetables. Such small-scale agriculture is only possible as it provides elderly with a principal source of income, apart from their pension. In other words, the study clearly shows that the small-scale agricultural activities of these elderly help to sustain Toshima’s local agriculture.}, pages = {305--313}, title = {「消滅可能性自治体」における高齢者の小さな農業とその意義(特集「消滅自治体論を批判する : 地理学からの反論」)}, volume = {8}, year = {2015} }