@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:00038591, author = {鹿嶋, 洋}, issue = {2}, journal = {地理空間, Geographical space}, month = {}, note = {本稿は,大分県の半導体産業集積地域の特質を解明するため,その形成過程と企業間連関の空間構造を分析した。  当県の半導体産業は,1970年の東芝大分工場の進出を端緒とする。東芝は進出当初から人件費削減のため労働集約的な工程を担う地元企業群を育成した。その後,生産の自動化とともに製造装置関連の地元機械加工業者や後工程専門の東芝子会社が協力企業となり,1990年代中期までに東芝の影響力の強い産業集積が確立された。しかしこの時点では県内の集積は技術的多様性を欠き,専門的な部門を県外,とくに京浜地域に依存した。  その後,関連企業の増加と技術的多様性の高まり,東芝の影響力低下に伴う地元企業の自立化と企業間連関の広域化,後工程企業の淘汰・再編が進行した結果,当県の半導体産業集積は,局地的生産体系から,次第に地方新興集積へと移行しつつある。  以上より,産業集積の実態解明に際し空間的重層性への留意が必要であることが示唆された。, The purpose of this article is to clarify the characteristics of the semiconductor cluster in Oita Prefecture by analyzing its formation processes and spatial linkage structures. The origin of the cluster was at the location of Toshiba Oita Operations in 1970. To reduce labor costs, Toshiba brought in local assemblers who received labor-intensive works from the beginning. With the subsequent progress in the automation of production, Toshiba outsourced the production and repair of semiconductor manufacturing equipment to local machinery factories and established subsidiary assemblers to undertake automated processes. These local suppliers supported Toshiba’s production system as “cooperation companies” (kyoryoku kigyo). As a result, the cluster had developed in the area by the mid-1990s under strong influence from Toshiba. A lack of variety in production technologies in the cluster brought a dependence on other areas (especially Tokyo) for work in specialized sections. After the late 1990s, the following changes were observed in this cluster: (1) An increase in the number of semiconductor-related companies and improvements in the variety of production technologies; (2) Increasing self-reliance of local suppliers and broadening of spatial linkages with the decline of Toshiba’s influence on the cluster; (3) Execution of screening and reorganization of assemblers. As a result of these changes, the focus of the cluster has shifted from local production systems to the newly developed industrial agglomerations. This study suggests that it is necessary to pay attention to territoriality from spatially multi-layered viewpoints to elucidate the characteristics of industrial clusters.}, pages = {239--266}, title = {大分県における半導体産業集積地域の形成過程と企業間連関の空間構造}, volume = {8}, year = {2015} }