@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:00037423, author = {吉倉, 智子 and 村田, 浩一 and 三宅, 隆 and 石原, 誠 and 中川, 雄三 and 上條, 隆志}, issue = {2}, journal = {哺乳類科学, Honyurui Kagaku (Mammalian Science)}, month = {Dec}, note = {ニホンウサギコウモリ(Plecotus auritus sacrimontis)の出産保育コロニーの構造を明らかにすることを目的とし,本州中部の4ヶ所のコロニーで最長5年間の標識再捕獲調査を行った.出産保育コロニーの構造として,齢構成,コロニーサイズとその年次変化,性比および出生コロニーへの帰還率について解析した.また,初産年齢および齢別繁殖率についても解析した.本調査地におけるニホンウサギコウモリの出産保育コロニーは,母獣と幼獣(当歳獣)による7~33個体で構成されていた.また,各コロニー間でコロニーサイズやその年次変化に違いがみられた.幼獣の性比(オス比)は,4ヶ所のコロニー全体で54.2%であり,雌雄の偏りはみられなかったが,満1歳以上の未成獣個体を含む成獣の性比は1.0%とメスに強い偏りがみられた.オスの出生コロニーへの帰還率は,全コロニーでわずか3.6%(2/56)であった.一方,メスの翌年の帰還率は,4ヶ所のコロニーでそれぞれ高い順に78.9%,63.6%,16.7%,0%であった.初産年齢は満1歳または満2歳で,すべてのコロニーを合算した帰還個体の齢別繁殖率は,満1歳で50%(12/24),満2歳で100%(13/13)であった.また,満2歳以上のメスは全て母獣であり,出産年齢に達した後は毎年出産し続けていることが確認された.
, This study aimed to describe the nursery colony structure of the Japanese long-eared bat, Plecotus auritus sacrimontis. We investigated four colonies over five years by the banding-recapture method in Shizuoka and Yamanashi Prefectures, central Japan. We analyzed yearly changes in colony composition and size, sex ratio, roost fidelity and age of first pup-birth. Colonies were composed of 7–33 individuals, mainly mothers, immature females, and infants of both sexes, although a few adult males were also found in these colonies. The mean sex ratio (male:female ratio) of infants was 0.54, while that of adults was 0.01. Roost fidelity differed remarkably between males (3.6%) and females (54.5%). Most banded infant males did not return to their natal colony. On the other hand, return rates of banded infant females were 78.9%, 16.7%, 63.6% and 0%. Females had their first young when they were one or two years old.
}, pages = {225--235}, title = {ニホンウサギコウモリの出産保育コロニーの構造と繁殖特性}, volume = {49}, year = {2009}, yomi = {カミジョウ, タカシ} }