@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:00035463, author = {MIWA, Takahiro and KAMATA, Eri and MATSUUCHI, Kazuo and SAKAKIBARA, Jun and NOMURA, Takeo and 三輪, 飛寛 and 鎌田, 依里 and 松内, 一雄 and 榊原, 潤 and 野村, 武男}, issue = {8}, journal = {可視化情報学会論文集, Transactions of the Visualization Society of Japan}, month = {Aug}, note = {本研究の目的は,PIV計測法を用いて泳者手部周りの非定常流れ場を可視化し,水泳スカーリング動作の推進メカニズムの知見を得ることである. 元競泳選手1名が本研究に参加し,回流水槽中でスカーリング動作を行った.PIV計測により,泳者左手周りにおける200枚の時系列粒子画像が瞬時に取得され,連続する2枚の粒子画像から流れ場の粒子速度ベクトルと渦度が計算された. スカーリング動作アウトスカル局面において泳者小指近傍に前縁渦が観察され,手部の移動方向が変化するアウトスカルからインスカルへの遷移局面において,その渦が手部から放出されているようであった.また,遷移局面後には手部周り循環の回転方向の変化が観られた.本研究の結果から,スカーリング動作を行っている泳者は,手部周りの循環と放出された渦による運動量変化によって推進力を生み出していることが示唆された., Our goal was to examine the propulsion mechanism of sculling motion by visualising the unsteady flow field around a swimmer's hand using PIV. One formerly competitive swimmer participated in this study and was instructed to swim using a sculling motion in a swimming flume. Two-hundred series of sequential flow fields around the swimmer's left hand were simultaneously obtained by PIV. The flow fields were calculated from two sequential particle images to determine the particle velocity-vectors and the intensity of the vortices. A leading edge vortex was found beside the little finger of the hand during the out-scull phase, and the vortex seemed to be shed during the transition phase from out-scull to in-scull. The circulation change around the hand was seen after the transition phase. The results of the present study suggested that the sculling swimmer created a propulsive force induced by the momentum change of the flow field relating to the circulation and the shed vortex.}, pages = {33--41}, title = {PIVによる水泳スカーリング動作時の手部周り流れ場の可視化 : 推進メカニズムの解明に向けて}, volume = {31}, year = {2011} }