@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:00033778, author = {大倉, 沙江 and Okura, Sae}, journal = {国際日本研究, Journal of International and Advanced Japanese Studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {本稿は、障害者自立支援法の政策決定過程と、自公政権下で実施された二度の修正、そして審議未了で廃案となった三度目の修正の過程を検討したものである。とくに、主要な障害者団体の動向に焦点を当て、政策過程の背景にある当事者団体と政治エリートの間の相互関係を記述した。障害者自立支援法の政策決定過程では、厚労省の幹部が一部の障害者団体の理事会に出席したり、シンポジウムに参加したりすることで、一部の障害者団体から政策への支持を取り付けることに成功した。そのため、障害者福祉に関わる主要八団体は、自己負担の導入など共通して課題と考える部分は協調して行動をとることができた一方で、法律の成立を求めるか否かという根幹的な部分は足並みが乱れた。他方、障害者自立支援法の修正の過程では、障害者団体は分裂しつつも、政権与党と厚労省を中心にしてデモンストレーション・シンポジウム、裁判、要望活動などを展開した。その結果、応益負担の「廃止」という踏み込んだ決断を自公政権から引き出すことに成功した。障害者団体が政治環境の変化を上手く利用し、自らの要望を叶える過程であったと言うことができる。, This paper examines the policymaking process concerning the Act for Supporting the Independence of Persons with Disabilities (Shogaisha jiritsu shien ho), as well as, two revisions made to the law under the coalition government of the Liberal Democratic Party and the New Komeito Party and a third but unrealized revision. The paper focuses particularly on the activities of major organizations of the handicapped and elaborates on the mutual relationships between those organizations and political elites, both of which actively exercise their influence in the policymaking process. In the process of establishing the policy for the law, the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry successfully persuaded some organizations for the disabled to support the law. As a result, eight major organizations that are involved in the welfare of the disabled were able to cooperate in mutually beneficial issues such as the introduction of the concept of beneficiary liability. However, they could not act together with regard to other fundamental issues such as whether or not to demand the enactment of the law. By comparison, in the process of revising the law, organizations for the disabled were split apart, but together they protested the governing parties and the ministry with demonstrations, symposiums, lawsuits and petitions. In consequence, those organizations succeeded in driving the coalition government to decide to “abandon” the concept of beneficiary liability in spite of resistance by the ministry and adhered to the liability principal. It can be said that this was the process of disabled people’s organizations making the best use of a change in the political environment so as to push through their demands.}, pages = {167--181}, title = {<論文>障害者福祉政策の政策決定過程における障害者団体の動向 : 自公政権下における障害者自立支援法の成立とその修正の過程を事例として}, volume = {7}, year = {2015} }