@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:00032245, author = {田神, 一美}, issue = {2}, journal = {日本ダニ学会誌, Journal of the Acarological Society of Japan}, month = {}, note = {本邦産のヒゲジロハサミムシ Gonolabis marginalis Dohrn, 1864(Dermaptera: Anisolabididae)に便乗しているヒゲダニの第二若虫を飼育して得られた第二若虫を第 1脚長が短いと言う相違はあるがHistiostoma mahunkai Fain, 1974と同定した.また,飼育から得た雌雄成虫形態を記載した.ハサミムシに便乗するヒゲダニに関する知見は,欧州産の H. polypori と H. feroniarum に偏っていたが,最近になって豪州産の3種類が追加され本種が新たに加わった.本種はアフリカのコートジボワールが原記載地である.ハサミムシとヒゲダニの便乗関係を更に詳細に調べる必要がある., A histiostomatid, colonized from a most common Dermaptera, Gonolabis marginalis Dohrn, 1864 (Anisolabididae) in central Japan, was studied taxonomically. In spite of a discrepancy, shorter leg I tarsus in the deutonymph, it was identified as Histiostoma mahunkai Fain, 1974. Taxonomic information, on the male and female, recorded in this article. The most records on Histiostoma phoresy on Dermaptera have been one-sided on H. polypori Oudemans, 1900 and H. feroniarum(Dufour), 1839 on a European Dermaptera, Forficula auricularia Linnaeus, 1758 (Forficulidae). Very recently, three other phoretic species of histiostomatids recorded from three Australian giant earwigs, Titanolabis colossea Dohrn, 1864 (Anisolabididae). This species, H. mahunkai, was the first record from Japan, and the combination was also the first record with Dermaptera.}, pages = {91--99}, title = {日本産ヒゲジロハサミムシに便乗するヒゲダニ}, volume = {22}, year = {2013} }