@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:00032239, author = {林, 琢也 and 呉羽, 正昭 and KUREHA, Masaaki}, issue = {2}, journal = {地理空間, Geographical space}, month = {}, note = {本研究は,長野市内を南北に走る国道18号線(通称アップルライン)沿いに樹園地を有するリンゴ農家を事例に観光農園の経営戦略に注目し,アグリ・ツーリズムの変化を検討する。長野盆地はアグリ・ツーリズムの先進地であり,その成立には,善光寺参詣者やスキー客の存在といった既成観光地への近接性および高度経済成長期にリンゴ生産の核心地域を縦断するように国道が開通したことが大きく影響していた。しかし,上信越自動車道の開通した1990年代半ば以降,人や車の流れが大きく変化した結果,交通条件に恵まれた立地条件を活かし,単に観光需要に応えるだけの経営では収益の維持が困難になった。このため,農園の経営理念や栽培のこだわりを理解し,支えてくれる個人客の獲得を重視した経営に方針転換が図られた。すなわち,個々の農園の自助努力や工夫を提示することで信頼関係を築くことの重要さが増し,観光農園は,その後の継続的な注文や関わり合いを促すための交流やきっかけ作りの場へと変化していったのである。, This study examines changes in agri-tourism along the national bypass road, the Apple-Line, in Nagano Basin, by analyzing the management strategies of tourist farms. Agri-tourism in this study means tourism that is directly related to agricultural activity in rural space. Nagano Basin has been characterized as one of the most advanced places for agri-tourism in Japan. Its development was mainly based on its accessibility from existing tourist destinations such as Zenkoji, a famous temple in Nagano, and surrounding mountainous environments or ski areas. After the opening of the AppleLine, constructed in the middle of customers an apple orchard in 1966 , many farmers began to open tourist farms to sell their products directly, and to provide harvesting experiences(pick-your-own) for guests who preferred circuit tourism while traveling in a group. However, the new construction of expressways has gradually changed the traffic flow and tourist behavior since the mid 1990s. Therefore, the tourist farms have faced a shortage of visitors, which in part is due to the persistence of traditional management. In terms of sales, home delivery has become a more important selling method, rather than direct sales to tourists at the farms. The farmers have also attempted to establish a new strategy to increase the number of personal customers who are interested in the apple farming itself and can understand the management of individual farms. Thus, reently many tourist farms have changed from places that are only tourist destinations to places where the managers and customers can interact with each other, illustrating a continuous relationship based on personal contact or a sustainable order of apple products.}, pages = {113--138}, title = {<調査報告>長野盆地におけるアグリ・ツーリズムの変容 : アップルライン(国道18号線)を事例に}, volume = {3}, year = {2010}, yomi = {クレハ, マサアキ} }