@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:00029555, author = {臼井, 麻未 and 横山, 智}, issue = {1}, journal = {地理空間, Geographical space}, month = {}, note = {本稿では,アジアのカビ酒圏を中心とした伝統酒の酒造と飲酒の研究をレビューした。その結果,酒造に関しては,酒類別に異なる研究傾向が見られ,さらにどぶろく系と蒸留酒系では地域による違いも論じられている。また,飲酒と文化の関係性に関しては,飲酒の目的を儀礼,もてなし,生活に分類して研究を整理したところ,地域共通の飲酒規範が存在することが明らかになったが,その規範は近代化によって大きく変化しつつある。既存研究のレビューを通して,本稿ではアジアの伝統酒をとらえるための三つの研究視点を提示した。1点目は,研究アプローチ方法が確立されていない飲酒の地域差を解明する必要性,2点目は,飲酒の地域性が失われつつある中で,文化的側面から地域固有の伝統酒の存在意義を再考する研究の必要性,そして3点目は,伝統酒の地域性を解明するための地理学的な総合的視点からの多面的研究アプローチを採用する必要性である。, The purpose of this study is to review the previous studies of brewing/distilling and drinking of traditional alcoholic beverages with a focus on Asia which is widely using molds of the genus Aspergillus for alcohol brewing. Traditional alcoholic beverages of Asia can be roughly divided into Sake type(Japanese refined alcohol), Doburoku type(unrefined alcohol) and distilled alcohol type. As a result, in terms of brewing and distilling, research trends varied from type to type. Whereas molds of the genus Aspergillus and these regional differences are actively discussed in Doburoku type, many studies on factors of brewery location and movements of seasonal brewing workers are accumulated in Sake type. Regarding distilled alcohol type, formation of the main distilling area and the geographical indication from the industrial geographical point of view are major research topics. The studies of Sake type and distilled alcohol type are mainly conducted in Japan as a research area. As for the study of drinking behavior, there was no systematic framework. The authors, therefore, classified the purpose of drinking into three categories: ritual, hospitality and daily life. In East Asia, some studies refer that the origin of drinking traditional alcohol beverage was closely related to agricultural rite which have communication with the gods. An another role of drinking is to give hospitality to guests. In any cases, Asian regions had norms that people drink traditional alcohol beverage together in groups, and solitary drinker cases were seldom to find. However, people can get alcohol anywhere and anytime, and expand opportunities to drink alone. Accordingly, problematic behavior is increased by the modernization. At present drinking norms are greatly changing. Through the discussion so far, this study presented the three research perspectives to grasp traditional alcoholic beverages in Asia: firstly, the elucidation of the regionality which has not been established research methods; secondly, re-thinking cultural significance of traditional alcoholic beverages in the region, thirdly, adopting a multilateral research approach from a geographical comprehensive point of view for elucidating the regionality of traditional alcoholic beverages.}, pages = {1--18}, title = {<展望>アジアの伝統酒研究の展開 : 日本における研究を中心に}, volume = {6}, year = {2013} }