@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:00029183, author = {増岡, 彰 and MASUOKA, AKIRA and YANAGAWA, MAKOTO}, issue = {4}, journal = {International journal of mathematics}, month = {Apr}, note = {Realizing the possibility suggested by Hardouin [Iterative q-difference Galois theory, J. Reine Angew. Math.644 (2010) 101–144], we show that her own Picard–Vessiot (PV) theory for iterative q-difference rings is covered by the (consequently, more general) framework, settled by Amano and Masuoka [Picard–Vessiot extensions of artinian simple module algebras, J. Algebra285 (2005) 743–767], of artinian simple module algebras over a cocommutative pointed Hopf algebra. An essential point is to represent iterative q-difference modules over an iterative q-difference ring R, by modules over a certain cocommutative ×R-bialgebra. Recall that the notion of ×R-bialgebras was defined by Sweedler [Groups of simple algebras, Publ. Math. Inst. Hautes Études Sci.44 (1974) 79–189], as a generalization of bialgebras.}, title = {×R-BIALGEBRAS ASSOCIATED WITH ITERATIVE q-DIFFERENCE RINGS}, volume = {24}, year = {2013} }