@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022193, author = {INABA, Rie}, journal = {Inter Faculty}, month = {}, note = {This study will attempt to clarify the functions of the pronoun ca in French both syntactically, as the direct object of the verb, and semantically, as expressing a speaker’s subjective attitude with regards a preceeding utterance, especially as a demonstration of denial or doubt. Further, this study will analyze the mechanisms of relationship of expression between the usage of ca and the speaker’s subjective attitude through a comparison of the functions of ca with the functions of le in a same linguistic environment. この論稿は動詞の直接目的補語として前文脈に現れた発話内容を受け直す指示代名詞caの機能を明らかにすることを目的とする。文脈を考察すると、caが用いられるケースでは発話者の主観的態度の表出、とりわけ否定や疑義的態度の表出が顕著に現れる。このcaの使用と発話者の主観的態度の表出との関係のメカニズムを明らかにするために、caのこの機能と競合する中性代名詞leのケースを引き合いに出し考察を行う。}, pages = {77--92}, title = {Etude du pronom neutre ‘ca’ sur le plan fonctionnel - A Functional Analysis of the Pronoun ‘ca’ in French}, volume = {2}, year = {2011} }