@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:00021260, author = {OZAKI, Hiroko}, journal = {Inter Faculty}, month = {}, note = {Two tanka anthologies, Natsubane (Feathers in Summer) by UMENAI Mikako and Tomodachi ni deau no wa yoi koto (It’s so good to see friends) by YABE Masayuki, with a very modern perspective on our society, are reviewed here. From cameo observations of solitude and nature to war and daily life, both anthologies portray poignant themes of contemporary life through the medium of classical Japanese poetry. ここで論評されている2冊の歌集、梅内美華子著『夏羽』と矢部雅之著『友達ニ出会フノハ良イ事』は、現代社会に対する非常に近代的なまなざしを有しています。孤独と自然への一瞥から戦争や日常生活に至るまで、両歌集は日本の古典的定型詩を通じて、現代社会の通念をありありと描き出しています。}, pages = {371--373}, title = {When the sadness of the world exceeds personal pain}, volume = {1}, year = {2010} }