@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:00021253, author = {MURADOVA, Ella}, journal = {Inter Faculty}, month = {}, note = {The purpose of this research is to clarify trends and change in the comprehension level of authentic literary texts in relation to a learner’s Japanese language level and frequency of communication with Japanese people. University students in both Japan and Uzbekistan were surveyed on a chosen text and their answers were analyzed. The research study confirmed that the less chance learners have of communicating with Japanese people the shallower their comprehension level of cultural and literary connotation, regardless of their level of Japanese language ability. 本研究の目的は、学習者の日本語能力と母語話者との接触頻度によって文学的教材を読む時の傾向や理解レベルの違いを明らかにすることである。ウズベキスタンの日本語学習者と日本語母語話者に文学的教材を与え、アンケートをとった。結果としては、日本語能力を問わず、日本語母語話者との接触頻度によって、学習者の文学教材における意味多重な表現や語彙のコノテーションの理解のレベルが変わると言える。}, pages = {48--64}, title = {Differences in Understanding Literary Texts between Japanese Language Learners and Japanese Native Speakers}, volume = {1}, year = {2010} }