@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:02009536, author = {黄, 鶴翔 and HUANG, Hexiang}, journal = {国際日本研究, Journal of International and Advanced Japanese Studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {後鳥羽院(1180-1239)と李燈(937-978)は、君主としての経歴や趣味は類似している。後鳥羽院は和歌の再興や『新古今和歌集』の編纂など、日本の文学に貢献した。一方、李燈は南唐の最後の皇帝として詞(ツー)の創作に取り組み、中国文学に大きな影響を与えた。両者は共に政治的に大きな脅威に直面し、悲劇的な運命を辿っている。両者の生涯には共通点があり、特に配流や軟禁後の作品にその苦悩や悲しみが反映されている。本稿では、後鳥羽院の配流された時の歌『遠島百首』と李燈の宋軟禁時の作品を比較し、後鳥羽院の「ふるさと」と、李燈の「国」といった描写に焦点を当てて考察する。また、後醍醐天皇と宋の徽宗、失敗した君主たちの作品を比較することで、彼らの特徴をより深く理解することを目指す。, Gotobain (1180-1239) and Li Yu {937-978) had similar monarchical careers and interests. Gotobain contributed to Japanese literature through the revival of waka poetry and the compilation of the Shin Kokin Wakashuu. On the other hand, Li Yu, as the last emperor of the Southern Tang dynasty, focused on the creation of Song poetry and exerted a great influence on Chinese literature. Both men faced significant political threats and experienced tragic fates. In terms of their life similarities, their anguish and sorrow are reflected in their works, particularly after their exile and house arrest. This paper compares Gotobain's poem Entoo Hyakushu written during his exile and Li Yu's works from his house arrest in the Song dynasty. The focus is on Gotobain's portrayal of his furusato (homeland) and Li Yu's description of guo (country). It also examines the works of other failed monarchs, such as Emperor Godaigo and Huizong of the Song dynasty, in order to gain a deeper understanding of their unique characteristics.}, pages = {149--166}, title = {<研究ノート>後鳥羽院の『遠島百首』における「ふるさと」と李煜の宋軟禁時の作品における「国」の比較考察}, volume = {16}, year = {2024} }