@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:02006377, author = {渕辺, 耕平 and FUCHIBE, Kohei and Yamada, Atsushi and Hachinohe, Kosei and Matsumoto, Kana and Takayama, Ryo and 市川, 淳士 and ICHIKAWA, Junji}, issue = {10}, journal = {Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan}, month = {Sep}, pages = {2451--2465}, title = {Synthesis of Difluoroalkenes from Thiocarbonyl Compounds via Difluorothiiranes: Electrophilic Counterpart to Wittig-Type Difluoromethylidenation}, volume = {94}, year = {2021}, yomi = {フチベ, コウヘイ and イチカワ, ジュンジ} }