@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:02004925, author = {Aoki, Kai and Suzuki, Takuji and Hui, Fang and Nakano, Takuro and Yanazawa, Koki and Yonamine, Masato and Fujita, Shinichiro and 菅澤, 威仁 and SUGASAWA, Takehito and Yoshida, Yasuko and 麻見, 直美 and OMI, Naomi and 川上, 康 and KAWAKAMI, Yasushi and 竹越, 一博 and TAKEKOSHI, Kazuhiro}, issue = {5}, journal = {Nutrients}, month = {May}, title = {Acute Low-Intensity Treadmill Running Upregulates the Expression of Intestinal Glucose Transporters via GLP-2 in Mice}, volume = {13}, year = {2021}, yomi = {スガサワ, タケヒト and オミ, ナオミ and カワカミ, ヤスシ and タケコシ, カズヒロ} }