@article{oai:tsukuba.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003806, author = {Nemoto Murofushi, Keiko and Ishida, Toshiki and Baba, Keiichiro and Kawakita, Kenji and 齋田, 司 and SAIDA, Tsukasa and Okumura, Toshiyuki and 佐藤, 豊実 and SATOH, Toyomi and 櫻井, 英幸 and SAKURAI, Hideyuki}, issue = {1}, journal = {Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy}, month = {Feb}, pages = {32--38}, title = {Impact of pre-brachytherapy magnetic resonance imaging on dose-volume histogram of locally advanced cervical cancer patients treated with radiotherapy including high-dose-rate brachytherapy}, volume = {13}, year = {2021}, yomi = {サイダ, ツカサ and サトウ, トヨミ and サクライ, ヒデユキ} }